Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chocolate and teddy bear !!!! xD

Heyy all....salamz..hmm..kali ni x dk nk post aper sgt..coz x dk citer bru..nnt laa kalo ader yg best....bru laa..nk kali ni nk ckp bende2 yg plg aku ske laa...mcm bender2 yg plg aku ske in the world !!! hahahahha...hmmm.....nnt kalo korg nk bg aku laa hadiah2 ni okayy !!!! hahahha...tu kalo nk bg laa tyme kalo nk bg sesajer pon bole jer !!! heheheh.. :P..hmm...okayyy...aku mmg ske kalo org bg aku Coklat !!!! yeah..the most delicious in the world are chocolates !!! !!!,, sesaper yg bg aku coklat...mmg aku akn cair...wahhh !!! mmg akn cair like the coklat !!! hahhaha..btol nih..x tipu...kalo korg nk aku jatuh hati kt laa aku coklat !! hahaha..eceyt :P gurau jer !! hmm..n then..bnder yg kedua plak..Teddy bear !! fuhh..the cutest thing in the world is teddy bear !!!!! hahahha..btol aper..teddy bear comel rite ????? yelaa..mmg laa comel..sbb aku pon comel mcm teddy bear !!! hahahaha...gurau2..tadek mmg btol laa teddy bear comel..saper yg kater teddy bear x comell..mmg org tuh x btol..hahaha...,,kalo nk bg hadiah laa teddy bear ker..chocolate ker !!! hah !! bru laa aku cair nnt !!! sumpah x tipu..(sumpit)  !! ader jgak pntg larang die kalo nk bg aku bnder2 nie..kalo nk bg teddy bear..msti laa teddy bear tuh comell n menarik hati pompuan laa katekn..hahahha..n then..kalo nk bg coklat tuh mstilaa bg coklat Ferrero Rocher ataupon Cadbury !!! haahaha..bru laa aku cair nnt..sbb tu jelaa coklat yg plg sedapp n plg aku ske...kalo cadbury tuh..yg plg aku ske coklat cadbury Blackforest..wahh...sedap2..hmm..cair laa nnt aku kalo saper yg kalo x dk blackforest pon x pk laa...yg pntg cadbury !!! hahahha..okayy laa...bye2..salamz...i'm waiting your present  !!! hahaha...salamz !!! xD


+Hold The Truth+ said...

huhu..nanti ye..kite bagi..29/9 ye?..dah tua lah kakak ni..hahahah jangan marah2 nanti x lawa..hahah..insyallah..

Farah Liyana said...

hahahhahaha..okayy2...x mara pon...thnx.... xD