Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Just read and laugh okay ! ;)

Hello everyone !

Heheh, lame jgkkan x update..hehe, tak tau kot nk update ape..hahaha, kay fine..actually tau nak update ape, tp malas nak tulis..hehehe, biaselah tu penyakit org perempuan ! lol :D Actually berjela-jela mcm roti jala dah ideaku nk post dkt blog tp kalau tulis nnt, fuhh ! sumpah berjela-jela cm roti jala jugak..heheh :p

Okay x nak update pnjg-pnjg sbb nnt takde org nak bace kan..hehe, mcm ah ade org sudi nk tgok blog yg buruk ni..haha..tp sape yg sudi gile terharu babe ! haha...Herm kbnykkan dkt blog ramai tulis pasal 2011..heheh, actually dah plan dah nk post ape waktu 2011..tp tangan ni pulak hah yg menggedik malas nk menaip..hehehe :p kalau lah jadi postkan, msti korg terharu gile babe ! serious wa ckp sama lu :p Dah trikut kak ngah :D And ramai yg update pasal first day school for students ah..hahaha, korg sumpah rajin gila nak update..cube tgok mcm aku ni hah, haih..payah beno nk update nye..heheh...okay straight to the point nak ckp ape ;)

Herm so far so good sekolah..hehehe, esok masuk hari ketiga sekolah for 2011 :) Alhamdulillah, smua berjalan dgn lancar..ecehh, hahaha...Me masuk 2 UA..My bff masuk 2 Mal..x same..herm, tp tkpe..kami pasti ade carenye kan nadiah ? hehe :p korg je tak tau...Yasmin and Adnin pon 2 Mal..Diy and Yan 2 Sat...herm ramai ah jgk bdk baru kt sekolah tu.a.de yg kenal ade yg tak..mostly yg kenal sbb ex sriaag dulu..yg lain semua cm sombong je..sorry...hehe..besides, saye pon taknak ah nk tego dorg dulu en, dorg patut tego ktorg kan sbb dorg bdk baru..try ah beramah mesra ngan bdk lama rite :) Herm tp kalo dua-dua taknak tego, sampai bile nak bertego ? hah amik kau, byk ckp 'tego' dah :p Okay hari pertama cm biase ah, agak bosan ah sbb first day..sape yg excited en..hahaha...Then cm okay ah jgk sbb satu kelas dgn Khai, Madi, Hanis and Anisah..then cm dah start gelak-gelak en ngan dorg..hahaha..then harini lagi ah ! gile habes kot xD Hahaha, sumpah harini pecah perut...hahah, sakit kepala, sakit mulut..hahaha...td ade 2 subjek yg cikgu tak masuk..so apelagi, x kan nk diam je kan..heheh, mule ah semua org buat group masing-masing..haha, saya ape lagi..ngan hanis, madi, khai and anisah ah..serious perempuan ade 3 group..hahah, group paling senyap diyana,hajar,shafiyah,zahidah,syahidah and shefa...group bising julia,nanie,asyaa,syaidatul,sabrina..and group yg plg bising gile nak mati, gelak mmg gempak ah especially me...tak bolah lawan kot...hahaha...then time BA and KHB takde cikgu..fuhh, ape lg..menggila habis ah ! ya allah toksah ckp ah cm mne..hahaha, mmg sakit perut habis ah, sakit mulut and pening..hahaha..korg mmg terbaik ah ! thankyou anisah, hanis, madi and khai :) sbb dah buat saye jd gile balik even tkde my gang..but still nak my gang same kelas :( And Nadiah dah dtg skolah esok..hehehe, but saya mgkn x dtg sbb nak renew passport... :( alahh sedihnye..herm, tkpe..khamis jumpe die ;) Hehehe, and ktorg ade plan..hahaha...shh :p Hahaha, kay ah that's all..nak rest..pening :)

Bye everyone ! ;)