Saturday, May 29, 2010

Global Warming

Heyy i want to tell about global warming..the world now is too hot..this is bcoz the ozone layer has become thin..the ices in Antartic is now melting down and become water...

From the research at the Antartic, there are a lot of changes going the year 2006, the temperature is still low and there is o sign of ice melting dow..furthermore, there are no progress of the sea level increases..starting the year 2008, about 6% 0f the ice in Antartic started to melt..the water level increases abut 3%..although the number of percentage is small but later on, it has a big inpact on the earth..maybe, 10 to 20 years of living, a few countries will sink in the sea..

Malaysia is too hot now..the temperature is up to 35°C..the animal now is bacome extinct..this thing happen because people now do many excessive logging..not only that, they burn the forest too..this activity cause the animal loose  their habitat..then, people nowadays only care about technology..all things that they used consists CFC..this CFC caused the thinning of ozone layer..we al so can see the river now is full of rubbish..they do not care about the environment.. 

We must reduce the global of the easiest thing to do to slow down global warming by changing your home's light bulbs..try changing then to compact fluorescent bulbs..your bulbs will last longer as well as conserve energy use, which is vitial to slow down global can also turn off all appliances and electronics that you do not use..for example, turn off your computer if you don't use it.. a lot of us have a bad habit just keeping it on...the best best best ways (hahahaha) to prevent global warming on our earth is by planting lots of trees..trees help to absorb carbon dioxide, thus reducing global can also recycle paper, plastic, glass and many more..

From this news, we must take the, we can prevent global warming from becoming worse..hye !! I am Farah Liyana..I don't want to throw rubbish in the river..and i also want to save our earth for the next generation..who also support this ???? raise up you hands .... that's all....byee...Assalamualaikum...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hantu Pen.... :)

Heyy all...Assalamualaikum...herm..okayyy..smlm mmg sedyh2 lah kn..mmg bnyk nangis....but noww,,, i'm so hepy bcoz our friendship become well...hehehe...settle semua problem dahh !! :) herm....okayoo !! tajok kt ats tuh...hesh,, mmg saket ati lah kalau dengar DOE...hahaha...okayy..mcm nie cerita die hantu pen tuh...dekat skolah al amin tuh mmg ade hantu pen..hesh,, mne x nyer..pen kami semua bnyk yg hilang....saket ati sedih lah jgak kn..herm..mmg saye pelik..skolah al amin masih lagii ader hantu pen..dan hantu itu tidak diketahui...hoh.. :) herm..x kesah lah SMIAAG ker SRIAAG..same jer...cme x tau lah hantu die same ker x..hahaha...okayy..mcm nie yer...

1. Smlm saye trtggl pen faber castell yg plg saye syg dekat bwh meja pas abes,, ingtkn selamat lah td nk masok kt kelas..tgok bwh meja kosong !! x dk pape...ader 2 pensel kayu jer..mmg saye pnye jgak..kuang asam pnye hantu...ko nk amek brg2 yg mahal jer kn..mmg sengal lah...amek 4 batang pen faber castell kesayangan saye..2 batang wrna biru dan dua lagi hitam...yg mne 2 batang bru saje beli smlm..ko ingt murah aper hantu hah !! RM 0.80 tau satu batang...ingt aku kaya sgt...ohh...lupe pula..aku ader tggl pemadam ngan pembaris..hesh,, semo x dk dah..tggl pensel tuh jer....dh lah pemadam bru, pembaris pon same..pemadam tuh ingt murah ape...satu RM 1.60..ingt aku kaya ape ??? -___-
2. Semakin hari semakin kempis pencil box kami semua...especially saye, rayyan and nadiah..huhuh...sedeyh kott...pen saye pon bnyk jer dah hilang sblm nie..cme x nk bgthu jer...yelah...cme skang mcm dah naek bengang en...hahaha...
3. Hari tu rayyan pnye pen pilot warna2 hilang semo...kesian dye..sedeyh sgt..then die mcm moody sket lepas tuh..hesh,, yg pelik nyer..sblm solat die tgok ade jer lg..pas solat tros hilang..hesh,,, nape die x amek pen nadiah hah ?? nadiah pon ade pen mcm rayyan..lg bnyk kott..hahahha...lek2..juz kidding...
4. Dlu saye prnh hilang pencil box yg plg saye syg...mmg nanges wooo !!! sape x nanges woo....herm...

Hahahahahaha...dah bace dah ?? herm..tulah cerita nyer..kpd hantu2 pen sekalian..tolong lah berhenti melakukan perbuatan ini...wlupon saye x nmpk,, tetapi allah maha melihat...sesungguhnyer mencuri itu adalah dosa...herm...okayy....saye bgthu kt papa pasal bnde nie..then die kate..hesh,, name jer skolah al amin tp mencuri !! saye gelak..hahaha..mmg lah..ingt baek sgt ape murid kt situ..hahaha..okayy lahhh...that's all for tonite...byeee.. :) salamz...

p/s : sbnrnyer tadii tgh jerit sbb ader cicak !! agak besa lah..maak !!! saye takott....skang die dh masok bwh katill..saye takot mlm kang die merayap ats badan saye..maaakkkk !!! :(

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bestfriends... :)

Heyy all...Assalamualaikum..herm..todayy mmg tak tau naper...mmg bad dayyy...susah nk ckp..about friendship...herm....lately,, bnyk masalah yg mendatang..sbnrnyer..Allah tuh nk uji kite..nk tgok kite sabar x nk hadapi ujian die...allah uji kite sbb die sayang kite...remember that...don't cry my frens...wake up !!! even i jd mcm tuh kt korg..mcm ader wt korg tersinggung or ape ape lah...i'm sorry for that..wlu pape pon yg terjadii....kite x boleh berpisahh...sbb...i really2 love you all...and truthly i'm happy for being your,,, walau ape ape pon yg terjadii..just remember that i always love you all...and i always be there for you...saye x tau nape saye feeling gler2 lahh arinie...smpi balek2 umah terus jer terperap dlm bilik dan nangis..saye fikir balek semua bnde..ingt aper yg dah berlaku..muhasabah balek..then let bygone be bygone...the truth is..i am so sad bcoz of this...and...for those yg bace blog nie...especially Nadiah Farhana, Rayyan, Diyanah, Yasmin,  Adnin, Wan Nur Ira Izlyn...lagu nie ana tujukan khas untuk korg semua....pape pon..korg kne ingt yg ana sentiase sygkn korg semua....walau ape2 pon yg terjadii atau bakal terjadi... :)

Exam tadiii... :)

Heyy all....Assalamualaikum (poyo jer)...herm...hahah....hari nie nk citer lah sikit pasal exam exam BM paper 1 and paper 2 ngan ICT....hermm...okay lah kn bm 1 tuh...cme yg saye taw...bhgian soalan 30 - 40 tuh saye bole score..hehehe...(poyo)..sbb dh chech dh..soaln tuh same jer knkn ngan dlm buku komsas hijau saye dh bace,...then ingt lh en...hahha..cme yg laen2 tuh mcm susahh skit lah...huhu...then paper 2 pulak...ader 3 bhgian...wooo.... x)..bahgian A,B and C...yg A tuh kne wat ringkasan..alhamdulillah okayy laa...then kne jwb lh skit en 3 soaln pasal ringkasan tuh..okayy lah jugak..then masok bhgian B kne wt huraian...pendek jelah...x lebih 120 patah..okayy lahh jugaa....tntg cm ner nk membentuk keluarga bahagia..hehehe...alhmdulillah bolee jawab !!! :)..okayyy then bhgian C pulak..bhgian last..kne buat karangan mcm biase lah....ade 5 pilihan..saye pilih yg kelima sbb cm senang laa...ingt nk wat yg kedua...but tak ingt format amek yg kelima..sbb senang laa...karangan bentuk cerita..hahaha...soalan die kite pegy ekspedisi menjelajah hutan something lahh...then kite terpisah...then jmpe blek dlm keadaan selamat...hahahah...saye buat agk pnjg lah jugak...353 patah perkataan...nmpk je cm terer..tah2 ayat merapu2 semua..hahaha....okayy..then masok yg susah pnye..hoho..ICT....i hate that name...i can't hear that name...hahah,,,mmg susah tahap gaban kott...(kalo x bace buku mcm saye)..hahaha....dh lah dlm bm..kalo dlm english cm okayy lah sket...bnyk lah gak saye taram...hahaha.....but bukan semua...kalo semua mmg hancusssss lah markah saye.... :)..then...tawakal jelaa...abes pukul 1:15 then boleh lah blek...okayy....saye dgn yasmiin pegy call...tggu2 pnye lah brsan pnjg...tibe2...ade sorg mamat yg name die adelahh en..potong brsan..hesh,, sedap jer..ko ingt aper...then yasmin pon perli...mmg best lahh kn kalo org potong barisan nie...penat2 beratur pnjg2 kn...then cm dh lme sgt tuh..yasmiin mls nk call...die blahh jer...pastuh die nk g pejabat..nk bg surat kebenaran yg kem BA tuh...then x bole bg situ..kne g bilik guru...pastuh dh g bilik guru tuh..beratur laa lg kt public en...skali2 adelahh masalah ngan some0ne nie..yasmiin bengang teos blaahhh..haha..lawak ohhh....pastuh die kate mak die dh smpi...pastuh die kate nk tmpg...saye ckp lahh..x nk la..x pk...ana tmpg ainul...then die kate..jom laahhh..boleh jer...pasuh die pon g tnye2 lah mak die.agk lme lah..pastuh die ajk saye...then saye kate boleh ker...x pk lahh yasmin..sbb ana tmpg ainul nie..die kate..ala...x pk...hesh,, hahaha..then tmpg lah die..sbnrnyer mmg saye risau gler lah takot ainul tggu en..tkot die cari2 plak en..mmg risau and feel sorry ainull....ana rase sebersalah sgt2... :(..pastuh..jmper adnin..then saye bubyee die..pastuh yasmin kate..hah..tuh adnin nmpk..nnt die bgtaw ainul lah tuh...hahah..mcm2 ohh yasmiin tuh....die nk relax kn saye..hahaha...hesh,, mmg lawak dlm kete die td..hahahah.. !!! =D=D=D=D...then smpi lah rumah tros call kak eda ckp saye dh ader kt umah...rupenyer dorg kt giant !! hesh,, wt risau jer balek2 tadek org..ade abg chik jer...hahah..okayy laa...byebyeee....Assalamualaikum... :)

p/s : tadii mcm mood x baek siket lahh..adelah kn...let be my secret only...then..ainul..sorry sgt2...hope u forgive me okayyy !!! nnt i belanjer u okayy !! hehe... :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No entry.....hahaha.. :)

Heyyy nk habak mai nie...hahahaha.....act saye sbnrnyer ade kt genting skarang nie...but..tak jadi pulakk lahh pegy..herm.. :( patotnyer arinie nk g genting ngan kakak2 saye..huhuh...but tak jadi pulaaa sbb ade sista kater nnt kite g tyme cutii skolah..hah !!! tu yg best tuh...but..rabu nie smpi khamis mggu depan... 26 MAY ~ 3 JUNE pereksa..ohh hoo...i hate it...mid term test !!! ohhh... xO okayyy..but takpe lahh...must study hard saye tgok nie...bknnyer study sgt jer lebih..ay0y0....farah !! wake up okayy...exam dah dekat dah nie..lg dua hari jer...jgn online dah...g study tuh...nnt kalo dah abes pekse nk online dua tiga empat hari pon pegy lahhh..hahahhaa....kan kakak saye kate nnt nk g genting tyme cuti skolah...woohaooo...tuh yg best...sbb dah abes pekse...bolehh partaaayyyyy.... :) nk citer satu bnde yg agk panas laaa ni kn...huhuh.....ader lahh sorg nie kn...HA laahhh bak kate adnin...hahahaha....die dlu dah laa suke ejek2 org...mcm2 ahrr...ckp org tuh laa ni laaa en....skang nie saye mcm bersyukur laa en sbb die cm dh berubah....dlu mmg mulut die cibai laa kn...hehehe...then skang nie okayy dah laa..but cume ade skit2 lah kn ejek2 org tuh...but act die slalu ejek saye lahh en...budak tabari faham lahh kott...cume skang nie die just ejek bajet2 laa...tuh jer....smlm...die ade laa chat ngan saye..but kejapp jelahh en...die kate laa die nk berbaek2 ngan ktorg...then saye ckp lahhh x suke ker ejek2 org..bez aper...act perli en...saye slalu lah gak berbalah ngan dye kt dlm kelas...agak best ahrr die yg slalu mengalah..kdg2...kalo die ejek2 tuh...saye malas nk balah balek...saye pandang jer die lame2 and buat muke annoying gler...hah !! nnt die senyap...bru padan muka..nie pon anak saye yg ajar buat bnde nie...hahaha....dah la HA nie suke kt someone uh..tulah..dlu ejek2 mcm2..skang...suke pulakk...hohohoh... yeah...3 JUNE nnt...hahaha..kite parrtayyy knkn budak tabari...especially adninaisyahalfatah...hahahah....okayyy...HA  tuh mean hamba allah of course x bole kasi taw...n about genting tuh...sape nk ikottt saye !!! hehehe,...saye akn ajk sorg shja dlm ramai2 kwn saye tuh...sape lah agak nyer yg bertuah tuh en...skang nie pon saye tgh memilih dan memilah....hahaha....untuk sape2 yg nk must ask your parent's permission first...then baru boleh konfemkn dgn saye...kpd sesiapa yg nk ikott saye g genting tuh...die kne lah berbuat2 baek dgn saye sblm tiba hari ke genting...then rajen2 lahh comment pictures sayer....then  rajen2 lahh comment ape2 lahh en...tego2 saye lah mkne nyer en..kt Facebook ker Myspace ker...then always visit my blog..and klik the advertisements tuh kn..yg nuffnang tuh..hahaha..okayy..that's all for those who want to go to genting with me... :) okayy..byebye.. :) salamz...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Taaggg.. :)

Heyy all salamz....herm..memandangkn x dk ape bende yg nk citer...buat lah tag nie kn..hahaha...

List 20 people that you miss a lott and put their pic... :)

hahahaha..okayyy...sbnrnyer rmi lg...x ckop 20 pon sye hanya ader gmbr mereka ajer....hehehe...msti korg tertanye2 kn asal saye bubuh gmbr pemain badminton pulak ??? hahaha...saye rindu samaa mereka ape..yelaa...teringin ak nk jmper dgn dorg !!! haha.....especially Hafiz Hashim...hahaha...i minat die laa...die hensem !! hehe.....rayyan,,, jgn marahh..hahahha...

1.  Afifah Bt Mohd Kamal
2.  Aainaa Sabrina Bt Ismail
3.  Nurul Hikmah Bt Mohd Azmi
4.  Nadirah Fehmina Ramadhani
5.  Fatin Nadhirah
6.  Izzah Elliani 
7.  Fathin Husna Bt Mohd Fuad
8.  Raja Nur Shafiqah
9.  Nur Maisarah
10.Madihah Budiman
11.Fatin Nabilah
12.Lin Dan
13.Hafiz Hashim
14.Lee Chong Wei
15.Siti Salsabiela Huda
16.Fatin Faqihah
17.Adnin Aisyah
18.Nur Hidayah
19.Fatin Nur Nazifa
20.Farah Liyana Bt Wahab

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hari Jumaat yg menceriakn....:)

Heyy all...salamz...hahaha..okayyy..nk citer kt sini kn..pasal smlm...mmg bez gler kott smlm...hahahaha...saye dan rayyan pegy rumah yasmin.sbb die yg ajk...hehe..tgok baby die...Dzahein Umar.....btw,, comell gler...awww !!! hahaha..geram ohh...nk jgak dpt ank buah ( fruit child ) mcm die...haha..bez gler kott...hehe..okayy...saye tmpg van yasmin n rayyan..malu jer kott kt dlm van tuh..yela..tmpg x bgtaw...ktorg ingt en ayan dah bgtaw....rupenyer die jage tmpt jer..haha...dlm van tuh pak cik tuh tgok2 jer saye..malu... :P...haha...dlm van jer dah mcm2 gelak kott.....ya allah....saye smpi tergolek2 kott...hahaha....haish...pastuh pening kepale tmbh saket mulot...yelaa...gelak bnyk sgt...hahhaha..then dah smpi kt umah yasmin....smpi2 jer tgok ader kereta yg x dikenali dtg.....hahhaha..yasmin pon tertanye2 kete sape nie...haha..then masok dlm umah die...before bkak kasut..tgok ade 3 pasang kasut yg same..brwrna putih..okaayy...we got it...nurse datang nk check baby die....hehehe...smpi2 jer tros ktorg nek ats..yasmin soh mandi dlu..busuk !!! hahaha....pastuh kt bilik yasmin tuh...tergelak2..haha....smpi2 jer pakse2 yasmin g toilet..die mmg nk g toilet pon dok trgelak2...ktorg kate cpt lah min...ktorg pon nk masok gak ( ckp smbl trgelak2 )....pas die dah masok tu...rayyan plak msok then die tros mandi...hahah....actually saye x bwk pnjam lah bju yasmin..hahah..okayy...bnde2 yg saye pakai kt diri saye not yours yasmin..hahahah...hahahah...baju tuh mmg suitable gler kott dgn saye.....hehe...( kembang nie )...then pas rayyan dah mndi..ktorg x mndi lg..sbb x dah nk tido nnt..then saye ngan mimin pon x mndi laa lg.........pastuh...turun bwh tgok baby...comel gler..geram2...hahaha....arghh....x taw nk ckp betapa comel nyer Dzahein Umar...hahah...i love you baby...hehe...then...g dapur...gelak2 skit..then minum air.....lepak2 jap...then bru naek ats...yasmin mndi dulu...then bru saye...okayy...tyme mndi tuh jahat uh dorg.....maen2...tutup,, bukak heater tuh..sengal ohh..bnyk kali...dorg tergelak2...saye pon tergelak2 laah kt toilet tuh..bergema kott...hahaha...naseb tyme shampoo and sabun semo tuh dorg x tutup..kalo x....haish...hahhaa...then...pki baju yg yasmin bg tuh....hahah...dorg kate saye nmpk slim..auww....hahah..btw,, mmg saye slim pon..sape kate saye gemokk...hahaha....hahah...then turun bwh mkn semo..ktorg mkn meehun sup..nyam2...yasmin x abes2 tnye sedap x sedap x...ktorg kate laa okayy jer...hahaha...pastuh mkn tuh tergelak2...tyme minum air..dorg wt lwk uhh...ya allah..hahah..then pas da abes semo tuh....ktorg bkak laptop...nk cri video yg lwk2...ya allah....bnyk gler video lwk2...yg plg saye suke adalah japanese prank haunted hospital...ya allah..lwk gler kott...saye gelak2 smpi jatuh katil..hahha..then dah nk blek..pas solat maghrib...yasmin anta rayyan...saye dok umah rayyan dlu..sbb papa amek kt situ en..papa tau umah rayyan..but die tatau umah mimin...hahhaa...yasmin kate kn...saye nmpk sesuai pki baju tuh ngan tdg putih tuh...hahahha...thnx yasmin...hahahah..kembang i...hahaha...rayyan pon kate.mcm tuh...hahha..alah...F.Y.I...sbnrnyer..ktorg saling puji memuji diri sndiri..hahah..okayy..smbg blek..pastuh x salam pon kakak2 yasmin..sbb dorg tgh mkn..dorg kate  xpk....then kakak yasmin buat lwk ohh..ya allah...tegelak2 saye dgn rayyan...dlm kete tuh pon tergelak2 ohh..hahah..pastuh da smpi umah rayyan..saye pon call papa saye..soh amek kn..pastuh die kate okayy.but lepas isyak...die kate nk tok badminton tuh dulu laa apelaa..hahha...okayy...saye pon tggu laaa....dah nk dekat kul 10 tuh...saye call lg...then die kate..okayy2...jap lg...tgh tgok badminton nie....hahha..then tetibe papa call blek..die kate nk tido sane ker..baju ader n blablabla laa kn..hahah...pastuh dgn x dijangka nyer...saye tido umah rayyan..haha...pnjm bju tido dia laa...sbb bju yg yasmin pnjmkn nie untk pki esok ner nk g skola esok an...rayyan die pegy die kate..saye x pegy laa...hahah...dah mlm tuh x bole tido uh...dok citer mcm2..gelak2 sane sini....hahaha....pastuh tido laa..hahaha....then esok tuh..kul bpe ntah...bibik rayyan kejott rayyan , kak anhar ngan kak raudhah...fullamakkk..bibik die mmg hebadd...kjot dorg smpi saye x bole tido blek dah..hahah..then dah kul 7 lbh tuh..anhar n rayyan x bgn2 lg...then...dah mcm lmbt tuh....rayyan x pegyy skola...die anhar pegy..but die pegy tuh sarapan burger okayy..hahah..sedapp !!! pastuh mnm air teh... ( fatihah )..heheh...then mndi2 semo laa kn..pastuh dlm 9 lebih tuh saye blek...hohoh..blek tuh papa bwk ktorg g mkn nasi dagang..hehehe....pastuh beli newspaper ( tu pon nk citer )...hahaha...okayyy..sorry entry kali nie pnjg...kalo x nk bace x pk laa....biya laa ank cucu saye yg bace yeap nnt...hahah....ok bye salamz... :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Trip To Aquaria :)

Heyy all...salamz...hermm..okayyy...smlm saye pegy aquaria klcc dgn adnin , yam dashuki , ckgu maryam , kak dena and adek izzah....hehehe...okayyy....we had a wonderful tyme yesterday !!!! hahaha...herm....saye ngan semua2 tuh tggu kt sriaakl...cme kak dena ngan adek izzah jer tggu kt lrt jelatek..hoho..saye yg smangat gler nie...tatau nape awl sgt dah sedar..around 7 pg cm tuh dah sedar..dah sedar laa katekn..nk tido blek mstilaa x bole...nasebbb da gosok bju dah mlm tuh ngan tdg skali..haha...(semangat gleer)..then dlm kul 8 tuh mndi2 laa semo kn..then siap2...pastuh breakfast..hohoh !!! pastuh kul 9 pg dah kuar umah otw ker sriaakl...smpi sriaakl yam ngan ckgu dah ader dah...ADNIN ??? mne die...hohoh...text org kamaen laa katekn...nk kuar umah laa nie...tgok2 kt sane kami yg tggu die..bhahaha...biler die dah smpi tros ktorg g kt lrt..sblm g lrt tuh..lepak jap kt tepi2 tuh...tggu ckgu nk park kete...then yg amek gmbr saye ngan adnin...malangnyer...gmbr tuh yam x upload lg...huh !!! saye ske sgt gmbr tuh..lawa.... -____- tp x pk laa...maybe next tyme..hahaha...then...jln kaki pegy rt jelatek...smpi jelatek nmpk kak dena ngan izzah dah tggu..smbl2 tuh borak2 jap...then lrt pon smpi...fuhhh...mmg lrt penoh gler nk matiii..hehe...-____- then saye , adnin , ngan yam ngan ckgu berdiri dkt tgh2 ner nk lrt tuh ader pemisah die kn antara satu same laen situ laa... (phm2 kn laa sndiri) mmg takot gler...yela..kalo jatuh ker aper or tetibe putus...hahah... (farah dah merepekk) saye dgn adnin mmg pegang tgn erat2..hahah...x lame tuh smpi klcc...then aquaria bkak pukul 11 pg..sblm tuh pegy kinokuniya dlu..agk lame laa kt situ..belek2 bku..bhahaha...teman adnin cri buku percy jackson laa..hahahha...lwk laa tyme tuh.. (but mls nk story) then cm dah bosan..saye hanye beli brg yg berharge RM 1.60...hahah..iaitu pemadam..hahah...then otw g aquaria..jauh laa jgak..yela..sbb die kn kt convention centre..bkn city centre kn..hehe...smpi2 tuh mmg rmi org laa...ckgu yg beratur beli tiket..then...pastuh dah msok...mmg bising gler laa org yg jage2 situ...x abes2 kate ' KEPADA PENGUNJUNG AQUARIA SILA MATIKN FLASH CAMERA ANDA KERANA BLABLABLA ' mnyampah ohh..annoying gler kott...hehe..then pusin2 semo laa tgok ikan semo lah...hahah...then saye ader buat satu mug yg sgt2 cantik..hahahha..kami semua buat...kevuali ckgu jer..hehehe...then lme laa gak tk aquaria tuh..pastuh da kuar..g naek kt kedai souveniour pulakk...x beli ape2 pon...hehehe..sbb mahal2..bhahahah...then tyme tuh...kak dena ngan adek izzah dah nk balek..dorg kate dorg balek dlu laa..ktorg x pk laa..shopping2 dlu lah..pas nie die nk g mkn ngan izzah then beli2 brg skit..pastuh saye pon katelaa..hah..okayy2...then salam2 semo tuh blek...pastuh x lame tuh ktorg pon blek..then nk g mkn laaa...lapar gler bhaii...hahah..then...sblm mkn adnin laa g sggh memory lane plak..hahah..agk lme laa kt situ...hehe..then tros g mkn kt foodcourt level 2...then pas mkn2 semo ktorg pegy solat..hehe...then pas solat2 blek laa...dorg semo drop kt lrt jelatek saye tros blek umah laa..drop kt tmn melati..hehe...okayy..dats all cite g aquaria..mmg penat gler best sgt2...moments yg takkan ku lpekn..okayy...tgok2 laa gmbr kt bwh skit jelaa ...yg laen semo ader kt FB...hehe....

Hahaha..thats all...selebihnyer ade di FB maa !!! hahah..byebye !!!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day To Mama....

Heyy2..hahah...salamzz...herm...rmi jgak laa org post pasal mother's dayy,,, nk join gak la en ,,, hahahaha..herm...first of all...nk ucapkn hepy mothers day kt luar sane tuh.....hepy mothers day untuk semua ibu2 , mama , mak , umi , n bnyk laa lg..hehe...u are the best mother in the world !!! a good mother okayyy ???,,, dgr lah story i nie..bhahaha... ( i ?? poyo ) hehe....

For my beloved mom....i love you so much....happy mother's day to you...u are the best mothers in the world i ever had.....keep it up mama...hehehe....papa , abg long , kak ngah , kak eda , abg chik ngan yayang syg mama sgt2....sorry kalo kami ader nakal2 gitu kn...heheh...sorry kalo kami ader bwat mama kecik hati or sebagainyer..mama masak sedappppp sgt2....hehehe...semo nyer mama laa...mama yg terbaek...n mama laa y mcm2 laa lg....mama curah kn sepenoh kasih syg mama kt ktorg..hahaha...n untuk yg di luar sane...hargai lah ibu anda yer selagi mereka maseh ade..dah laa...x nk citer pasal nie..nnt nanges... T___T..hmm....okayyy..jd lah anak yg terbaek...di dunia dan akhirat...aminnnn.....bye2..salamz... :D:D

Monday, May 03, 2010

Ntah laa...plizz dun read !! haha..

Heyy all...hmm..salamz...okayy...kpd sesiape yg x ske jgn lahh bce entry kali nie...x pakse pon !!! huhu..hmm...entry kali ni maybe nk melepaskn geram skitt...skitt jer..alahhh !! hahaha..okayy...adelaa sorg nie kn...nme die...adelaa kn...skang nie agk sombong bhai !!! huhu..tuh yg wt saket ati nie...dlu mule2 kenal...semo die yg tego...tego tulah ni lahh kn..mcm2 laa lg kn...then...da lme tuh2...bile kite tego die....die x tego kite pon..kalo mcm chat nk x nk jer..huhu..nie yg sedih nie....haish..sedih2 bengang tu still ade babehh !! huhu...ader ke patot...dlu laju jer nk taip kn kt keyboard nie..skang..huh !! cm ader bnder jer kt keyboard tuh yg susah sgt nk taip..huh !!! okayyy ahrr...tu jer laa nk lepaskn geram rite ,,, the truth is...i miss that memorable thing !!! okayy..hope so laa u berubah okayyyy....saye nk awk yg dlu....bkn yg skarang nie phm !!! hope you get it...salamz...

p/s...kpd sesiape tuh..jgn terase okayy !! hehe...bkn korg,,dun wuryy be happy dear !! ;P..

Sunday, May 02, 2010


Sorry gmbr berteraburr..hehe.. :P....